Tools for making our ice cream bowls

Our tool for manufacturing our 900ml ice cream containers will arrive shortly. We look forward to being able to produce the first orders by the end of next month.

Werkzeug zur Herstellung unserer Eisschalen


Dear customers and partners,

we are pleased to inform you that our company has taken an exciting step in its development. As a testament to our continuous growth and dedication to top-notch service, we have relocated to a new office.

Our new address, effective from November 1, 2023, is as follows: Bettenhäuser Strasse 34a 34266 Niestetal

We are thrilled about this development and look forward to the future opportunities it brings.

Please note that our delivery address remains unchanged and continues as usual: Industriepark Kassel-Waldau Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 1, 34123 Kassel

Thank you for your ongoing support, trust, and partnership. We are eager to welcome you at our new location and achieve success together.

Cardboard Cup with a Leak-Proof Guarantee

The cardboard cup with a leak-proof guarantee is becoming increasingly popular on our sales markets. Demand is rising. The investment in a cup machine with tools for two additional cup sizes is a valuable contribution to sustainability.

Assistance for Turkey after earthquake

On February 6, 2023, there were severe earthquakes in the border region between Syria and Turkey, causing a lot of suffering for the population. Thousands of people died and thousands became homeless.

We supported the helpers and those in need with a monetary donation to “Deutschland hilft”.

Christmas/New Year

Dear business partners and friends,

The third consecutive year of the pandemic was challenging for all of us in many ways – professionally, socially, and personally.

It once again showed us how important trust, cohesion, and optimism are. We appreciate all the more that you have given us your trust and remain loyal to us even when things don’t always go as usual. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for that.

We also thank you for the successful realization of our joint projects in 2022!

We wish you and your family restful days, a happy new year, and let us face the year 2023 with confidence and determination.

20th Company Anniversary

In October 2022, we will celebrate our 20th anniversary.

We thank our customers and business partners for their trust and loyalty to our company.

Environmental Protection and Sustainability

Many citizens consider plastic to be harmful to the environment. Admittedly, based on the widespread photos and film reports in the media about landscapes and oceans polluted by plastic waste, one might believe this one-sided portrayal. We see the situation from two different perspectives: it is primarily humans who, through convenience and inadequate education, are destroying the planet with careless waste disposal.

If you consider plastic to be a valuable raw material, then consumer goods made from it, such as cups, lids, disposable tableware, etc., can be properly disposed of, for example, through the yellow bin system.

Today, nearly 90 percent of the plastic packaging in our assortment is made from recycled materials. Additionally, we strive to reduce the weight of our plastic packaging as much as possible without compromising the product quality.

We believe these are important contributions to resource conservation and environmental protection.

Sustainability goes even further for us: solar cells on the roofs of our production halls to support the power supply, use of wind energy (green energy), greywater treatment plants for filtration and purification of water used in production, measures to prevent waste during production and much more.

However, the health and appreciation of our employees in our facilities are also of paramount importance.

For further details, please refer to the “Code of Conduct” available for download on this page.

Support for Those in Need

We continue to support those in need. Donations this year went to “Deutschland hilft der Ukraine” and to the animal welfare organization “White Paw”.

To all our valuable customers,

we would like to take this opportunity to reassure that INNOVA SUPPLY & SERVICES GMBH is still running as usual, although the whole staff is working from its home office.

Your orders are very welcome, and rest assured that they will be dispatched at their earliest convenience in an extremely safe manner. All of your orders are packed in the most hygienic manner with strict rules implemented using masks, hand sanitiser and washing hands frequently to ensure our customer’s safety.

We are very grateful for all your faith extending to us, and we are sending you our compliments. Take good care on yourselves!

code of conduct – INNOVA SUPPLY & SERVICES GmbH

This code of conduct is based on the ILO core labor standards and is the minimum requirement for all INNOVA SUPPLY & SERVICES (ISS) production partners. It is in the currently valid version, an elementary part of the contract in cooperation with our company.